Certificate Course in Survey Reporting 2019-2020

 The Department of Sociology, @ GFGC, Chikkaballapura for CERTIFICATE COURSE in SURVEY REPORTING. The Course was internally trained by Head of the Department, Smt Deepa S.V.

The course was designed for 30 hours of Teaching with one field work. Six Sociology students of Final year voluntarily opted for the Course.

The Course was taught from July Last Week 2019 to September 2nd Week 2019.

As the Association of People with Disability and Nagarasabha office of Chikkaballapura approached Our institution, few volunteers and Students of the Course took the opportunity. They had to do the survey of Differently abled people in and around Chikkaballapura.

Successfully, they did the work and Department of Sociology felicitated them with Certificates on 20th September 2019.

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